
Fall Schedule

October 3: Private speaking engagement at Razor Fish
October 19: featured on Food Network UKOctober 24: Texas Womens' Conference, featured as a local leader
October 26-28: Country Living Fair, Atlanta, Georgia
October 27: Austin Volume 2 of the cookbook series arrivesOctober 27-28: Texas Book Festival, Austin, Texas
October 30: Trailer Food Tuesdays 5p-10p at the Long Center, Austin, Texas

November 3: Cooking Class at Central Market featuring Cazamance, Royito's, Fresh off the Truck and Holy Cacao
November 7: Book Signing at Book People
November 15-18: Junior League's A Christmas Affair, Austin, Texas
November 15-18: F1
November 27:  Trailer Food Tuesdays 5p-10p at the Long Center, Austin, Texas


December 5: ATX Man Magazine Launch PartyDecember 7: Private speaking engagement at UT
December 12-24: Armadillo Christmas Bazaar