
June 3, 2010

Vegan Yacht

The inventive dynamic duo Mike and Danielle met while working at Whole Foods Market here in Austin.  The classify themselves as 'east side folks' who ride their bikes a lot and enjoy all the funky benefits of east siding it from farmers markets to organic tea and beyond.  It wasn't out of their routine when they sat down for a drink at Cheer Up Charlies and within ten minutes put a menu together for their Vegan Yacht concept.  Without a hitch they opened the 1967 Airstream a mere three days later chock full of creative vegan choices.

They love being a part of the trailer food movement.  In Mike's words, "We can be total artists, we can play guitar when we don't have customers, we can book shows, change the menu, etc.  You can be yourself, it's not slaving away at an office; it's pretty nice to be off the clock - not to mention, I'm always with my wife."  With homemade fresh olive ciabatta bread, organic red leaf lettuce and organic sprouts, the mock chicken salad sandwich is one of their favorites.  The seitan quesadillas have been a consistent crowd pleaser since they opened in May of 2010.  Although seitan is 100% gluten, the Vegan Yacht menu does bolster some gluten free options.

Danielle enjoys the artistic aspect of their business as well, being the creator-extraordinaire behind the logo for the yacht.  She also developed their recipe for beet brownies.  When asked what inspires them, Mike's poetic response was: 'change'.  "Not being stagnant... When life becomes stagnant whether anyone knows it or not, you stop living... (taking up the whole challenge of change), that's how you keep living life and enjoying life rather than sleeping through it.  Change drives us both a whole lot."