
December 15, 2010

Trailer of Lights: Cancelled

Hi guys, With all the last minute red tape from yesterdays walk through, we are not in a position to proceed for the trailer of lights this year. While I admit I'm disappointed, my chin is up and for those of you who know me well, you know I'm busy making lemonade. No one loves the trailer food scene more than I do. The trailer food scene exploded overnight in Austin and I have been there documenting it every step of the way with my company Trailer Food Diaries. Austin is becoming as much a destination location for the food vendor culture as the live music scene and I remain optimistic in the future successes of this industry. Thank you for your patience, support and understanding. Please feel free to call and email me. Emailing's a little easier right now if possible just due to the influx :).

My official statement:
We are cancelling the Trailer of Lights of event, unofrtunately because of existing contradictions in policy between our fire code and health department that the event cannot sustain. While this may look like a hassle of red tape, ultimately, once we all know and understand the playing field, these are the regulations that will set our city up for success within the mobile food vending industry.

Happy trailers,
Tiffany Harelik, MA