
October 20, 2012

Fall Trailer Events

Photo by Bonnie Berry Photography
We have lots of exciting events and milestones happening this Fall.  The Trailer Food Diaires COOKBOOK Austin Volume 2 comes out this month, and we have a lot of great speaking opportunities.  Stay in touch on twitter @trailerfood, or on our Facebook page.  Our goal is to have our new website up early November so you will be able to read more free stories/recipes, & purchase books and trailer food jellies online for the coming holiday season.  Articles on histories and recipes from the food trucks will resume soon.  Thank you for your support and interest in the Trailer Food Diaries! 

October 3: Private speaking engagement at Razor Fish
October 19: featured on Food Network UKOctober 24: Texas Womens' Conference, featured as a local leader
October 26-28: Country Living Fair, Atlanta, Georgia
October 27: Austin Volume 2 of the cookbook series arrivesOctober 27-28: Texas Book Festival, Austin, Texas
October 30: Trailer Food Tuesdays 5p-10p at the Long Center, Austin, Texas

November 3: Cooking Class at Central Market featuring Cazamance, Royito's, Fresh off the Truck and Holy Cacao
November 7: Book Signing at Book People
November 15-18: Junior League's A Christmas Affair, Austin, Texas
November 15-18: F1
November 27:  Trailer Food Tuesdays 5p-10p at the Long Center, Austin, Texas

December 5: ATX Man Magazine Launch party December 7: Private speaking engagement at UT
December 12-24: Armadillo Christmas Bazaar